Department of Sociology
McGuinn Hall 418
Telephone: 617-552-8984
Email: zine.magubane@xsdvoip.com
South Africa
South African Politics
Race Relations
Race and Popular Culture
Sociality of Post-Coloniality
Dr. Magubane is a South African native who lived in her country while Nelson Mandela was president. She taught sociology at the University of Cape Town for two years and was a researcher for two years. Much of her work is focused on Southern Africa. She is the author of Bringing the Empire Home: Imagining Race, Gender, and Class in Britain and Colonial South Africa, which analyzes the historical emergence of race, gender, and class both as conceptual entities and as ideological systems. She is also the co-editor of Race, Gender and the Status of Black South African Women in the Academy (University of South Africa Press) and Post Modernity, Postcoloniality, and African Studies (Africa World Press). In addition to working on three more books, Dr. Magubane’s writings have appeared in several publications. Her areas of specialization include social theory, sociology of post-coloniality, race and ethnicity, globalization, race and popular culture, gender and sexuality, and the sociology of African societies. She also holds a courtesy appointment in the department of African and African Diaspora Studies.